July 11, 2012

Getting Ready...

I remember as a young child, one of the highlights of summer would be vacation Bible school at our little church.  Yes, it is a small country church, but it was always so much fun.  
Now that I am grown, I still get excited as I have the chance to prepare a room and teach.  The school teacher part of me jumps up and down with excitement as I get to add creative touches to a room and come up with fun activities to teach the love of Jesus to these children.  
I have taught crafts the past few years and this year as well.  Today, I began decorating in my room to prepare for the first day of Bible school on Monday.  Our overall theme this year is Amazing Wonders Aviation.  Kind of a hard theme to decorate for.  BUT..the good thing is each room is an "amazing wonder" so my room is the Great Barrier Reef!  Yes!  How easy to decorate!  

Here's what I started with.  
This room is currently being used as a Sunday School room.  My intention was 
to find some way to decorate where nothing had to be taken off the walls.
I do not like having to stay late on the last night of Bible school and take down decorations and redo the room.  Ugh...I am ready to get home.  So.....since we are supposed to be under the sea, blue tablecloths 
were the perfect wall covering! 

You are able to see thru them a little bit, but you won't be able to when I'm done!

Here is the progress so far.  
Keep in mind, it is nowhere near done, but a lot of progress was made today!

Darbee Rae had fun too!  We had to clean out one corner of the room and part of the Christmas play Jesus costume was in there.  Darbee Rae quickly put it on and said, "hohoho!"  How cute

A lot was accomplished today and I am proud.  Still have a good bit to go, but it will get done this weekend.  

We have had a few storms and a bit of rain this evening, but not nearly enough.
Supposed to be more tomorrow.

I hope all of you have had a great day.
Until next time......


  1. It looks wonderful! Good for you!
    I expect Darbee is on the nice list, Always! She's just so cute!

  2. Looking good. No matter where or what the circumstance DarbeeRae finds a way to enjoy herself.love you both. Miss you

  3. Looks good! Love Darbee Rae being Santa. Take care, Janice

  4. The room is looking good! I love that picture of Darbee Rae...too cute!

    I nominated you for a fun blog award. Go check it out, when you get the chance. :) http://levinerlife.blogspot.com/2012/07/versatile-blogger-award.html
